LinkedIn Branding Tactics to Build Demand for Your Business with Michelle B Griffin

LinkedIn Branding Tactics to Build Demand for Your Business with Michelle B Griffin

Join the power duo #MichelleSquared as they discuss the power of building strong personal and business brands on LinkedIn. Whether you are a Founder, employee or out on your own, a powerful and unique brand will attract the right fit opportunities to grow your business. 

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:15 - Michelle B Griffin's LinkedIn Journey
00:03:21 - The Brand Squared System 
00:04:04 - The Role of Mindset in Personal Branding 
00:05:34 - Knowing Your Why on LinkedIn
00:11:53 - Understanding Your Target Audience
00:12:29 - Power Partnerships 
00:13:49 - The Importance of Personal Branding
00:14:19 - Aligning Your Brand Across Platforms
00:19:30 - Leveraging Business and Personal Brands
00:24:29 - The Importance of Building a Brand
00:25:12 - Personal Branding Evolution
00:26:10 - Power of Branding 
00:26:50 - Actionable Tips for Improving Branding

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Michelle J Raymond is an international LinkedIn B2B Growth Coach. To continue the conversation, connect with Michelle on LinkedIn and let her know you are part of the community of podcast listeners. 

Connect with Michelle J Raymond on LinkedIn -

B2B Growth Co offers LinkedIn Training for teams to build personal and business brands and a LinkedIn Profile Recharge service for Founders/CEOs. 

Book a free intro call to learn more  -

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#LinkedIn #Branding #PersonalBrand

Social Media for B2B Growth with Michelle J Raymond
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