ChatGPT + AI Your LinkedIn Game Change for B2B Growth. Guest Isabella Bedoya

ChatGPT + AI Your LinkedIn Game Change for B2B Growth. Guest Isabella Bedoya

We explore ChatGPT and AI's impact on LinkedIn marketing. Discover how ChatGPT saves time, enhances marketing quality, and get expert tips for better results. Plus, explore other AI solutions businesses should consider for sustainable growth with trusted AI for Marketers expert Isabella Bedoya.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:04 - Key Features of Chat GPT
00:03:30 - Using Chat GPT Effectively
00:05:57 - Bringing Answers to Life
00:08:27 - Saving Time on LinkedIn
00:10:16 - Quality Improvement with Chat GPT
00:12:23 - Fun Experiment with Chat GPT
00:13:38 - Tips for Using Prompts
00:15:30 - Leveraging Chat GPT for YouTube Headlines
00:18:30 - The Power of Human + AI Collaboration
00:24:57 - The Power of Building a Personal Brand
00:25:33 - Leveraging LinkedIn for Brand Building
00:25:41 - Resource for Building Your Brand on LinkedIn
00:26:12 - Isabella's Carousel Posts
00:26:29 - Wrapping Up and Looking Forward

Connect with Isabella Bedoya on LinkedIn -


Michelle J Raymond is an international LinkedIn B2B Growth Coach. To continue the conversation, connect with Michelle on LinkedIn and let her know you are part of the community of podcast listeners. 

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B2B Growth Co offers LinkedIn Training for teams to build personal and business brands and a LinkedIn Profile Recharge service for Founders/CEOs. 

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#ChatGPT #AI #LinkedIn #B2BGrowth

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