Rebranding Magic - How Visual Branding Shapes Perceptions with Emma Wright

Rebranding Magic - How Visual Branding Shapes Perceptions with Emma Wright

Emma Wright was behind the visual rebrand for Michelle J Raymond and B2B GROWTH CO - LinkedIn B2B Strategy & Training. In this episode, we talk through the process, why it's important and how finding the right partner to work with is so important.

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:38 - Knowing When to Rebrand
00:03:08 - Fear of Investing in Rebranding
00:05:10 - Importance of Visual Rebranding
00:07:21 - Operation Rebrand Experience
00:12:55 - Importance of Personal Alignment in Design
00:13:44 - Different Skills in Graphic Design
00:14:50 - Collaboration and Idea Generation
00:15:38 - Overcoming Design Challenges
00:17:09 - The Power of Intentional Rebranding
00:24:49 - The Importance of Consistency in Branding
00:26:20 - Visual Brand Alignment and Reflecting Ideal Clients
00:27:36 - Presenting the Current Version of Your Business
00:28:41 - The Challenges and Rewards of Rebranding
00:30:44 - Taking the First Step in Rebranding

Connect with Emma Wright on LinkedIn -


Michelle J Raymond is an international LinkedIn B2B Growth Coach. To continue the conversation, connect with Michelle on LinkedIn and let her know you are part of the community of podcast listeners. 

Connect with Michelle J Raymond on LinkedIn -

B2B GROWTH CO offers LinkedIn Training for teams to build personal and business brands and a LinkedIn Profile Recharge service for Founders/CEOs. 

Book a free intro call to learn more

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