LinkedIn Content with Impact - Tips to Light the Spark. Jess Cook (LASSO)

LinkedIn Content with Impact - Tips to Light the Spark. Jess Cook (LASSO)

If you're feeling frustrated and overlooked on LinkedIn despite putting in hours of effort into creating content, then you are not alone! Many B2B professionals are experiencing the same struggle, where their posts go unnoticed and fail to generate meaningful engagement or leads. Jess Cook shares her secrets to creating content that surprises to ignite the spark. 

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:25 - Journey on LinkedIn
00:02:03 - Content for Impact
00:03:48 - Repurposability
00:06:51 - Choosing the Right Channels
00:13:24 - The Old Way vs. the Smarter Approach
00:14:28 - The Importance of Organizing Content
00:15:33 - Balancing Value and "Confetti" Moments
00:19:57 - Going the Extra Mile for Customers
00:26:59 - Conclusion

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Michelle J Raymond is an international LinkedIn B2B Growth Coach. To continue the conversation, connect with Michelle on LinkedIn and let her know you are part of the community of podcast listeners. 

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B2B Growth Co offers LinkedIn Training for teams to build personal and business brands, as well as a LinkedIn Profile Recharge service for Founders/CEOs. 

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