Mélanie Boucarut

Mélanie Boucarut

Head Mistress - The Yes Mistress

Mélanie, The Yes Mistress, is a sales coach. She teaches freelancers how to hold sales calls that make them feel connected to their client, purposeful, and in flow – instead of dirty, afraid and reluctant.

She accidentally jumped into entrepreneurship in 2020 after hearing herself quit her corporate job. After trying to wing a few dozen sales calls, she set out to methodically test what could be done in the sales conversation to make it a nice and effective moment for both parties.

The framework she developed from hundreds of calls makes her students willing and equipped to ask difficult questions, name their price and address objections in a way that earns them the trust and appreciation of prospective clients.

If selling makes you feel dirty, sign up for Mélanie's weekly sales tips at theyesmistress.com.

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May 15, 2023x
36:3233.44 MB

Mastering Sales: Strategies, Mindset, And Techniques For Success. Guest Mélanie Boucarut

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