Season 04

Redefining Networking: Introverts & Community Building with Joe Glover
May 01, 2023x
30:0927.59 MB

Redefining Networking: Introverts & Community Building with Joe Glover

Picture your typical networking event. As an introvert, it can be daunting even the thought of saying hello. Then come the sales pitches. You need to duck and weave. It's exactly why many introverts don't attend. What if networking could be different? This week's guest and self-professed introvert,...

Unlocking LinkedIn Sales in 2023: Dive Deep with Niraj Kapur (LinkedIn Top Voice)
April 24, 2023x
32:5830.17 MB

Unlocking LinkedIn Sales in 2023: Dive Deep with Niraj Kapur (LinkedIn Top Voice)

If you want to grow your business on LinkedIn you have to reach the decision makers. The problem is they aren't standing there with a sign saying "pick me". Most likely they are hiding from the thousands of spam messages they get via DM. Add to this budgets are tighter and sales cycles are longer. ...

Amplify Your Impact: Kerry Dobson on Crafting Elite Coaching Programs
March 22, 2023x
32:2129.61 MB

Amplify Your Impact: Kerry Dobson on Crafting Elite Coaching Programs

A Group Program Expert, Kerry Dobson, shares her top tips and frameworks for creating and leading successful coaching programs. From deciding what to include to leading the actual session, Kerry helps coaches overcome the frustrations and overwhelm that comes with creating group programs. Get ready...