Have You Lost the LinkedIn Lovin' Feeling?

Have You Lost the LinkedIn Lovin' Feeling?

If you haven't quite found your excitement for getting started on LinkedIn in 2025, this episode is for you. 

Key moments in this episode:

00:00 Reignite Your LinkedIn Passion
00:27 Understanding the LinkedIn Blues
03:55 Strategies to Clean Up Your Feed
05:59 Review and Build Your LinkedIn Community
07:57 Engage Through Direct Messages
10:39 Final Thoughts and Encouragement

Today's episode is sponsored by Metricool. Make sure to register for a FREE Metricool account today. Use Code MICHELLE30 to try any Premium Plan FREE for 30 days. https://i.mtr.cool/NEDXVZ

Michelle J Raymond is an international LinkedIn™️ B2B Growth Coach. To continue the conversation, connect with Michelle on LinkedIn™️ and let her know you are part of the community of podcast listeners.

Connect with Michelle J Raymond on LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/michellejraymond/

B2B Growth Co offers LinkedIn™️ Training for teams to build personal and business brands and a LinkedIn™️ Profile Recharge service for Founders/CEOs.

Book a free intro call to learn morehttps://calendly.com/michelle-j-raymond/book-an-intro-call-15mins

Social Media for B2B Growth Podcast is a fully accessible podcast. Audio, Video, Transcript and guest details are available on our podcast website - https://socialmediaforb2bgrowthpodcast.com/

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