Niraj Kapur

Niraj Kapur

Managing Director - Everybody Works In Sales

After 23 years in London running sales teams Niraj wanted to raise the standards of sales, so he set up his own sales training business and wrote Everybody Works in Sales which became an international bestseller.

He’s delivered Linkedin and Sales Training to over 450 small businesses, startups and solopreneurs.

Niraj was announced as a Top Sales Influencer in the World to Follow by Salesforce in 2021, 2022 and 2023.

LinkedIn awarded him a Top Linkedin Voice in Sales To Follow in 2022.

In his free time, Niraj plays drums in a rock band and raises money for charities like Movember.

Related Episodes
Unlocking LinkedIn Sales in 2023: Dive Deep with Niraj Kapur (LinkedIn Top Voice)
April 24, 2023x
32:5830.17 MB

Unlocking LinkedIn Sales in 2023: Dive Deep with Niraj Kapur (LinkedIn Top Voice)

If you want to grow your business on LinkedIn you have to reach the decision makers. The problem is they aren't standing there with a sign saying "pick me". Most likely they are hiding from the thousands of spam messages they get via DM. Add to this budgets are tighter and sales cycles are longer. ...