Finding Your Own Path on LinkedIn. Staying True to You with John Lacey

Finding Your Own Path on LinkedIn. Staying True to You with John Lacey

Many people are active on social media but LinkedIn™️ is the final frontier to conquer. LinkedIn™️ as a professional platform can be intimidating and comes with its own set of rules and etiquette unique to it. How can you navigate this successfully to build a community and generate business growth?

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:45 Getting Started on LinkedIn: A Real Perspective
01:57 Exploring LinkedIn's Creator Mode
03:16 The Challenge of Getting Started on LinkedIn™️
05:04 The Importance of Consistency and Personal Goals on LinkedIn™️
06:54 The Challenges and Realities of Networking on LinkedIn™️
08:54 The Importance of Being Real and Building Trust on LinkedIn™️
09:17 The Dark Side of LinkedIn™️: Fake Accounts and Engagement Pods
10:11 Overcoming Mental Blocks and Building Confidence on LinkedIn™️
19:14 The Power of Consistent Content Creation on LinkedIn™️
25:29 Finding Your People and Building Your Community on LinkedIn™️
29:21 Final Thoughts and Actionable Tips for LinkedIn Beginners

Connect with John Lacey on LinkedIn™️ -


Michelle J Raymond is an international LinkedIn™️ B2B Growth Coach. To continue the conversation, connect with Michelle on LinkedIn and let her know you are part of the community of podcast listeners.

Connect with Michelle J Raymond on LinkedIn™️ -

B2B Growth Co offers LinkedIn™️ Training for teams to build personal and business brands and a LinkedIn Profile Recharge service for Founders/CEOs.

Book a free intro call to learn more

Social Media for B2B Growth Podcast is a fully accessible podcast. Audio, Video, Transcript and guest details are available on our podcast website -

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